Altruistic Surrogacy Cost in Delhi: Affordable Pricing and Legal Insights

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Delhi. However, not every form of surrogacy is allowed here. Only altruistic and gestational surrogacy is legal in Delhi. People cannot have commercial surrogacy and traditional surrogacy in Delhi.

Other than this there are many rules and regulation over who can have surrogacy and who cannot. Not everyone can have surrogacy in India. Only married couples of five years, who are facing issues of infertility, can have surrogacy in Delhi. They must not have any children from any method to have surrogacy. Other than this there is an age restriction, according to which men should be 26 to 55 and women should be 23 to 50.

Who can be a surrogate mother in Delhi?

To be a surrogate mother in Delhi people need to follow some restrictions such as the surrogate age should be 25 to 35. The surrogate must be healthy, both mentally and physically. She should have a child of her own as after surrogacy it can be hard to get pregnant for the surrogate. If the surrogate’s husband is alive then they should have his consent.

The surrogate must have a proof of her medical health. Other than this the surrogate must not be doing this for any benefit. She will not receive any compensation in Delhi. Lastly, the surrogate much be genetically related to the couple.

How much does surrogacy cost in Delhi?

The surrogacy cost in Delhi NCR is INR 15, 00,000 to INR 25, 00,000. This cost is an average cost. Surrogacy is not a cheap treatment and there are many factors that can increase it. Such as if the couple does not have healthy gametes or are facing problems then they will have to use the advance treatments. However, the cost of advance treatments can increase the surrogacy cost Delhi.

Other than this, the clinic the couple chooses for their surrogacy will also affect the total cost. If the clinic has high cost then the couple will have to pay those costs.

How much does the surrogate mother cost in Delhi?

In Delhi there is no commercial surrogacy that means there is no surrogate compensation either. No surrogacy agency in Delhi will provide the couple a surrogate mother. Because now the couple has to ask a family member to be their surrogate mother. This is all because of altruistic surrogacy.

In altruistic surrogacy there is no surrogate mother compensation. However, that does not mean the couple does not have to do anything. It simply means the couple has to take care of the surrogate mother during the pregnancy. They also have to provide insurance to the surrogate mother. All these costs add up to be the surrogate mother cost Delhi.

What affects the surrogate mother cost in Delhi?

Surrogacy price in Delhi has many factors that can affect it into increasing. The same goes for the surrogate mother cost in Delhi. There are many factors that can affect the surrogate mother cost. The first fact is the medical cost. A surrogate needs many medical tests, medicines and checkups, all of which increases the surrogacy charges in Delhi.

Surrogate’s necessities can affect the surrogate mother cost Delhi too. There are many necessities that the surrogate has such as the medical testing, checkups, healthy meals, and accommodation. All of these costs can affect the total up surrogacy mother cost in Delhi.

How to lower the surrogate mother cost in Delhi?

To lower the surrogate mother cost in Delhi couples should first of all choose the best IVF centre in Delhi. That centre will provide lower cost of medical checkups and medicines. Then the surrogate mother cost will be low. Moreover, if the surrogate is a close relative of the couple, then she will be able to stay together with the couple. That way the couple will not have to use travel expenses to pick the surrogate for the checkups.

Other than this, if the couple takes good care of the surrogate mother then the surrogate may not face any complicacies during her delivery. With this the couple will not have to pay the caesarean delivery charges.

Which centre provides the best surrogate mother cost in Delhi?

Not every centre will be able to provide a low cost surrogacy in Delhi. Only Go IVF Surrogacy provides a low surrogacy cost and also a low surrogate mother cost in Delhi. This is because this centre’s goal is to help couples to conceive, not to gain their money. Every treatment’s price here is lower than other centres. Not just that this centre provide the free counselling. Couples can contact the centre through the phone number to schedule the counselling session. Other than this, doctors here first of all check the couple’s health and infertility level. Only after this they suggest the treatments. This way the couple will not have to worry about receiving a treatment which they do not need.

Who is the real mother of the surrogate baby?

The real mother of the surrogate baby in India is always the female partner from the couple. The one whose gametes were used is the real mother of the surrogate baby. A surrogate mother may birth the baby but she can never have the parental rights of the baby.

Not just that it is the couple who have the genetic relation with the baby. This way the baby will look like the couple. All of this legalizes the rights of the couple to be the parents of the baby. Even when the couple meets an accident or cannot take care of the baby. The baby will go to the grandparents but not the surrogate mother.

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